Good luck to Annapolis Racers!

Pappa Willie

Here at J World we are in the final prep stages for Annapolis Race Week which starts on Saturday.  We have three student J 80s (Wild Horses, Willie T, and Emotional Rescue), our long time friend Courageous (also a J 80) and our latest edition, Danger Mouse racing in the J 70 class.  It appears like it is going to a beautiful weekend, maybe a bit light.  Our J 80s will be practicing Thursday and Friday, any J 80s that would like to join us you are welcome.  We will monitor channel 72 and anticipate doing some practice starts at 1300 on Friday.

We wish all the racers safe, clean, fun racing.  Sail Fast!

Commissioning of Danger Mouse

Long time racing student Taz Coffey has purchased a new J 70 which is going to reside at J World for the next two years. We held a commissioning ceremony for the mighty Danger Mouse Saturday afternoon after her inaugural sail.  Enjoy!


So You Want to Learn to Sail? Two Essential Questions to Answer Up Front


While flipping through the Sumer 2013 issue of Outlook By The Bay, I came across a wonderful article that will help anyone considering going to sailing school make the decision about which school is right for them.  While we believe that J World Annapolis is the right school for anyone looking to learn how to sail, improve their sailing skills, obtain US Sailing certifications or hone their racing skills; we think the following process is a good one for every would-be sailing student to consider.  Re-printed with permission from Outlook By The Bay. Read more

Fun Fact About the Chesapeake Bay


This week at J World Annapolis we are hosting our third annual Kids on Keelboats program.  Kids on Keelboats is a five day sailing camp for kids age 12-16, held on our fleet of J/80’s.  The kids follow our Basic Keelboat curriculum while also learning about Chesapeake Bay ecology, Annapolis history and more.  Kids keep you on your toes – so here are 10 things you may not have known about our Chesapeake Bay. Read more

App News – Get Your Captain’s License


Lot’s of sailors spend the winter poring over sailing books to increase their sailing knowledge.  Some even study or take courses that enable them to sit for their USCG Captain’s License.  Studying for this test can be both mind expanding and frustrating as you try to remember accurately the differences between inland and international rules or what shape a boat towing alongside that is greater than 50 meters should display.   Read more

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