Area Weather

Regardless of whether you are a day sailor, racer or cruiser — weather is an crucial consideration in you sailing.  At J World Annapolis we believe that one of the many ways we can support the sailing community is by providing access to the best information.  Here you can find the best information about weather, wind, tide and current information that will help you have a great day, great passage or a great race.  These are the sites we use to build our daily plans and racing/cruising forecasts.  Want more?  Contact us about how to have private weather training or personal weather data developed for your sailing adventure.

Current Conditions

Conditions at Thomas Point Light
Current Conditions (AWS)
Current Conditions Annapolis Buoy
Doppler Radar
Satellite Image
NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office


Thomas Point Light Forecast
US Naval Academy, Maryland Aviation Weather Surface Forecast
Eastern U.S. and North Atlantic Weather Charts

Tides and Currents

NOAA Tides & Currents

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