Thursday Night Racing – Letter to Competitors
Dear Competitors:
Thank you for participating in the 2013 J World Annapolis Thursday Night Racing. Racing this season will begin on May 9, 2013 and conclude on August 29, 2013. July 4th will be a lay day.
We are excited to bring to you another year of intense, short course racing. We will continue to try and get as many races as possible off each night. To this end, we will set short windward leeward courses that should take each class approximately 30 minutes to complete. While the first couple of weeks may be daylight challenged, with good winds and ample daylight will hope to have three races a night for all classes by mid season.
All of the necessary documents are available at the J World Annapolis, posted on the official notice board and available of the J World website. The Registration Form, Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions and Amendments 1 & 2 have all been posted. If you have not filed your registration form and paid for the first series, you will not be scored.
Racing will begin each evening no earlier than 1830. There will be two racing areas – Alpha and Bravo. Both of these racing areas will be in the general vicinity of our historical racing venue.
Bravo Course, for J/22 and J/24’s is made possible by the generous support of the Eastport Yacht Club. This course will be set as close to Horn Point as is practical in order to help the J/22 fleet make it to and from the course without engine assistance.
The Alpha course will be set a little further out from Annapolis harbor and will host the J/70 an J/80 fleets.
Race committees will attempt to make courtesy broadcasts to each fleet. Alpha Fleet will be on VHF Channel 72 and Bravo Fleet will be on VHF Channel 71.
Both Alpha and Bravo courses have the option to use either course one or two as shown in addendum A of the sailing instructions. In general, we will use course one, due to the fact it requires fewer RC resources and enables us to quickly get off races. Please note that sailing instruction amendment one specifically discusses this course and details that the start line is closed for those boats on the leeward leg. Also note, that the sailing instructions state that an offset mark may be set.
In the event of protests, please check the sailing instructions for how to take your penalties on the water or to file your protest. Protest forms are available online and also at the J World offices. Protests may be filed in person or submitted by email, but must be received by 0900 the Friday after racing.
The post racing social has been moved this year to the Eastport Yacht Club. EYC is graciously supporting J World by providing RC support for the Bravo course, so in support of EYC (and deference to our neighbors) we have moved the social to their wonderful new facility. EYC will provide inexpensive beer and food options as well as a great venue for socializing, debriefing and discussion.
Parking can be an issue at the end of the Eastport peninsula. Everyone is encouraged to walk, but if you do drive PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THEIR PARKING LOT. The Yacht Haven parking lot, directly across the street from the club, is available for visiting cars.
Questions regarding Thursday Night Racing, protests and scoring inquiries should be directed to J World Annapolis. You may call between 0900-1600 Monday-Friday or email us anytime at
Thank you, sail fast and have fun!
The J World Annapolis Thursday Night Racing Team