Local Weather Prediction
I was having a conversation with two long time clients, Dan and Lynn last Thursday about local weather prediction and the variety of websites and apps available. I have been an avid user of Wundermap by Weather Underground for years. With a little tweaking you can get the radar not only to show you direction but an incredibly accurate timing prediction. The storm tracking cones are divided into twenty minute segments making it very easy to make an accurate ETA of a storm. They also support the site with some good explanations and definitions (ask Channing about the importance of the vil numbers). I had been under the impression the Weather Underground did not have an app yet and had been using a very good radar app called Raindar, it had all of the features of the Wundermap. Much to my pleasure, Kristen informed me that not only has Weather Underground produced the app but it is fantastic, I couldn’t agree more. It is available for free or for $1.99 without adds. It is worth checking all the settings, it is very customizable and very functional. I have included a link to the app for Android and will add the itunes link. If you have an app or website you are particularly fond of please let us know below.